Girls at the Stipp Hotel, Kigali

Girls at the Stipp Hotel, Kigali
Having a drink at the Stipp in Kigali with the "Thousand Hills" as background.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Market Personalities

Have been going to the market with my housekeeper. It’s so much less daunting when she comes along because she handles all of the porters clamoring for one to “give me a job” or the boys clamoring to watch the car so no one will walk away with the mirrors or spare tire or any other relatively easily removable part. I tell the 20 boys crowding around us that she’s the lady to talk to and then they swarm her. I know my behavior is lamentable to say the least.

We usually divide up the list into fruits and veggies. She handles the veggies and I handle the fruits. The fruits are always more expensive. I think a lot of it, especially the citrus, is trucked in from Uganda and the apples must come from a long ways away. All in all though, I spend about $26 US on fruits and veggies per week and I come home with pineapples, watermelons, huge avocados, bananas, lettuce, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, oranges, apples, etc..; comparatively cheap to the produce in the US. I guess we just need to embrace vegetarianism and abandon our desires for western style products so that we can live affordably here! Not likely to happen in this family any time soon.

Today I was able to get a photo of my favorite fruit merchant. She’s lovely and always so well put together. I think she overcharges me but then she always gives me a little lagniappe to go home with. I like going to her because she’s so pleasant and exquisitely attired. I’ve yet to learn her name, however. That will be my assignment next week.

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